Have people ever made you feel invisible?
There were a few times in college that I felt invisible or unmemorable.
I attended a majority institution which means there were not a lot of people who looked like me.
Even if I didn’t know certain people personally, I did recognize them.
I mean there are people I have recognized that I never talked to on television or Facebook and they were of a different race.
There are two particular instances where other black females introduced themselves to me after we had already interacted with each other.
One girl and I had just conversed the previous day in the same location.
Her reintroduction confused me to the point that I froze for a second before responding to her.
The second girl and I were in a group of about seven people who watch The WIZ at screen on the green freshman year.
We played taboo and took a few pictures that were later posted online.
So when she reintroduced herself to me a couple of years later I just came out and told her we already knew each other.
: /
On the flip side, there have been times that I wanted to be invisible such as trips to Wal-Mart in my hometown. I despise seeing people I haven’t talked to in years at the store. I have gotten use to going to stores and not recognizing anyone. So returning to my hometown store and knowing the cashier bothers me at times.
Oh well, I guess I cannot be picky about who recognizes me or not. I know once you get to know me I am unforgettable. ; )
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