It just hit me over the past few weeks that I will be turning 25 this upcoming year. Now it is nothing to be sad about but the way it snuck up me has been a little overwhelming. There is so much to look forward to such as not having to pay extra when renting a car (I haven’t rented a car in over a year), being old enough to attend exclusive grown and sexy events (Lol, not likely at all) and my car insurance will drop once again (I hope it is lowered more than 5 dollars)!
I think a lot of it has to do with the obstacles (not really obstacles)

I am facing during my final year as an AmeriCorps member. I am struggling with my finances more than in the past. One would assume that it would be easier being closer to my hometown and not having to drive to work. But for some reason it hasn’t been. I am confident that l will find a way to make ends meet once again. My life has been filled with many blessings so I have faith that it will all work out.
The experiences I am having at this site far outweigh any financial worries I have. It will all work out and be worth it in the end. You sacrifice a little to gain a lot. A sacrifice of no cable or internet and a little possible debt is nothing compared to the opportunities that could come from my experiences as a VISTA.
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