Hello again, I am unkindred hart and I suffer from social anxiety. This is a self diagnosis and it isn’t something I particularly want to change. It is just a quirk that I am aware of about myself and wish others would respect.
Being around a group of people who are not my friends or immediate family in a social setting makes me very anxious. Large parties, church, and family reunions are a few examples of places I am not comfortable. When church is over I head for the nearest exit because the socializing after service seems awkward and forced to me.
A couple of weeks ago a fellow church member asked me if I would help gather names of college students after service. When I told him probably not he was taken aback and must have assumed I was worried about it taking up my time because he replied that it wouldn’t take that much time. However, I was not worried about how long it would take, I am uncomfortable socializing and soliciting people I am not close to. I felt bad that I did not help gather the names because I love to help out where needed but I know what my strengths and weakness. Giving off an opening and welcoming vibe to the students is not my cup of tea.
Some people say “Why not work on your weakness?” I would rather focus on my strengths and allow those who are strong in that area to shine. For example, if the college ministry at my church wanted to have an event for the students I would do great at planning the event whereas it would fit into the strengths of others to invite the students to attend.
I think I read in the book Strength Finder 2.0 that people should stop focusing so much on improving their weakness and start to build upon their strengths. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t work on things we aren’t good at (I am going to keep cooking) but it shouldn’t be our main focus. Learn yourself and build your strengths.
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