8) Okie Doke with some sorority girls
I'm not sure if I should tell this story but oh well. I was interested in joining a certain sorority for stemmed from having positive relationships with members in my hometown that I admired, wanting to get involved on campus, meeting new people, building bonds with other females, etc. However the process of showing interest was a bit ridiculous at times and I didn't always cooperate plus according to some nobody knew me. One time I didn't cooperate involved two of members trying to set me up to see if I would speak so (I assume) they could ignore me. I caught on to the set up and pulled an okie doke of my own by walking directly behind the girl as she walked one step per minute with a hood on her head (I said it was ridiculous) then veered into my building for class. I canceled volunteering with them that afternoon because I wasn't putting my self in a situation to be interrogated or disrespected. Later that evening another member asked me if I was suppose to go, I said yes but I called and canceled, then continued with my comments about the NAACP event we were attending. I believe that ended my chances (if I had any at all) of becoming a member of that group on campus.
7) Talking my freshman roommate to sleep
Boy oh boy, my freshman roommate was/is a hoot! We talked about everything. I was afraid at one point that her Nigerian father would hate me for corrupting his oldest child. CI and I would stay up until early in the morning talking about any and everything. She is a very sociable person and would be gone for the majority of the day. While I was a homebody and only left the room for class, meals, and community service. We would catch up with each other at night once we got in the bed. I would lay facing the ceiling talking to her and I would know the conversation was over when she didn't respond. I talked her to sleep at least twice a week!
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