4) Door incident with VB
VB and I have never discussed this event and her memory of what happened probably differs from mine. Whatever the fact may be, this incident is one of the most memorable and impactful events from college. It began friendships with two of my closest friends from college. They heard about what happened and thought I was a major B. One told me she had to meet me after hearing about what happened.
The hate to love relationship of VB and me began one fall evening in 2005 when CI was practicing her Ngambika steps. I had quit Ngambika at least a week before because none of the step mistress could remember my name (it was like I was invisible) and when I brought it to their attention one decided to pay special attention to me at the next practice. That was all good until she cursed at me. Unkindred Hart doesn't like to be disrespected. I can only take so much before I say forget it. I left that practice never to return. Anyhow, a few weeks later CI was in our dorm room practicing and I was helping her while our friend RB enjoyed a PB&J sandwich. There was a knock at the door and it was VB and JW. All I remember is VB walking in having small talk with CI (ignoring RB and me) then saying "We don't do steps in front of non-steppers!" For some reason that set me off. She was on her way out the door and I figured I would help her. As soon as VB and JW were out of the door I closed it for them (I think one of them was starting to say something to CI) and told my roommate that VB was not invited in our room ever again. I was upset that she came in our room and did not acknowledge RB nor I (I could be wrong about this) THEN had the nerve to say that my roommate was not allowed to do steps in front of us "non steppers". Throughout Freshman year we had a couple more disagreements between us but by senior year we had become good friends.
3) Night of bowling with WP, JR, & MSW
Great night! I don't remember how it began but some how I got the three of them to go bowling with me. We didn't leave until midnight and ended up going to Metro Lanes on Metropolitan Parkway. The bowling alley was set up like a club but since 3/4 of us were under 21 we had to bowl on the uncool side. The adult side had a red rope and everything! After leaving there we went to Waffle House on Peachtree and it took FOREVER to get our food. By the time we headed back home it was almost six am and the sun was rising. I suggested that we go to church but it wouldn't have been a good look since I was a scantly dress DD that smelled like alcohol (MSW somehow manage to spill some down my arm in the car and then tried to lick it up) with three inebriated friends. So we went home and feel asleep.