Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hi, My name is ...

and I am a homebody.

I would much rather hang out with my friends in the confines of someone's house rather than go out for a number of reasons.

1. Going out is expensive!

I don't understand going out to hang out with friends in a loud place were you have to pay to get in, pay for drinks by the glass, leave a tip, pay for parking, etc. when you can buy a bottle for the same price as a glass and actually hear each other at someones house. Then you don't' have to worry about anyone drinking or driving or embarrassing you out in public.

2. I don't like large groups of people

...except for people watching which can lead to me getting in trouble by talking about them.

3. Rude, Drunk, and/or Obnoxious people who I don't know

They just make the angry black woman in me come out in public.

4. Smoke!

It makes your hair and clothes stink. More importantly you can die from second hand smoke! If I ever get diagnosed with lung cancer I would like the right to go around and punch every person I see smoking right in the throat.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true!! I've always said all these things and people look at me like I'm a grandma or something. Can I add one more?
    Why in GOD'S NAME do exhaused people insist on going out, like they're gonna have a great time after they've been studying 25 hours for that test. You're about to pass out....the smart thing to do is to go to bed...not to go out until 4am, you were up till then last night...writing your paper. Go to sleep and stop trying to force yourself to have fun.
    I'll never understand.
