Monday, October 5, 2009


(thanks to Amber for her creativity)

Now I bet everyone is thinking "What the hell does that mean?" I had to look up the words myself to make sure I understood what it meant.

So what do I mean by miseducation?

Well this blog is an outlet for me to share my random thoughts and my opinion about different issues and subjects in the world. It is my chance to educate people though my lens. According to people that know me well, the lens I use to view the world are a lot different from others. Maybe it isn't a lot different from what others think but it is different from what they are willing to admit out loud.

The definition of miseducaiton is to educate improperly. However, my way of thinking isn't improper, it is just different. You may think it is off the wall at first but once you think about it you realize it is true!

Unkindred? defines kindred spirit as
somebody like you in character:
somebody who resembles somebody else in character, interests, and temperament.

My character, interest and temperament is very unkindred compared to the people I am surrounded by at home, at work, etc. (My world consist of mostly home and work) I'm not your normal twenty something. I am a unique old soul and if you know somebody else like me you should be very afraid.

Please enjoy the miseducation of an unkindred hart.

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