I have never been one for birthday celebrations as an adult
for a few reasons.
- My birthday falls around and sometimes on Mother’s Day.
- It is during the peak of graduation season.
- It was right after school ended for the year.
- I don’t fool with a lot of people.
- People will disappoint you by not showing up.
- It is just another day.
My inspiration for the party was Beyoncé’s
2016 half time performance. It made me feel
a sense of pride to be a young black woman and I wanted to celebrate that feeling. I thought I was going to dress up like one of the dancers but my 30 year old body isn’t where I want it to be for all of that ….yet!

My 30th Birthday was the best birthday in recent memory even though my hesitations for celebrating did impact the day. I ended up delaying the party a week because of Mother’s day. The party was the same day as high school graduation in my hometown. I don’t have many friends that live locally and some of the few I do fool with didn’t show up.
You know who did show up? Some of my friends who live out of state!

hundreds of dollars to celebrate my birthday with me! Travel to Arkansas is not cheap and I don’t encourage my friends to visit because of the cost even though I love hosting people, well people I like. I had so much fun showing them Little Rock and experiencing local attractions with them. Spending time with them may have been more enjoyable than the actual party.
Now don’t be mistaken I had a GRAND time at my party. The venue was great, the décor was on point, the food was tasty, and the DJ had me dancing all night. Granted I did send him a list of songs that I enjoy. People that know me know I like to dance and dancing the night away with friends and family was a great way to bring in my thirties.