Recently I have become a huge fan of HGTV. All evening I watch House Hunters, House Hunters International, My First Place, etc. I can't figure out why I enjoy it but I do know what parts of the shows irritate me.
Top 8 pet peeves of HGTV home search shows
1) Staged walk throughs of houses. Some house hunters are actually good at acting like it is their first time walking through the house and they weren't forced to come up with what they didn't like about the house. Other people SUCK at it. Not only do they sound like robots but their body langage is off.
2) People dressing up to go visit a house. Some people go overboard, well not overboard, you can just tell that isn't the way they dress everyday.
3) People who are concerned about wall paper, paint colors, counter tops, mess you can change with very little effort. I have to remind my self that they have to point out something bad but some people go over board complaining about the bright color of the room. Then others are so concerned about the house being move in ready and they mean move in ready. They don't want to do any work. Not even sweep paint a room.
4) Looking for a spot for their FLAT SCREEN or having a MAN ROOM. All you need for a flat screen is a flat wall, correct? Isn't the man room the living room? If a game, fight, nascar is on sit your butt on the couch and enjoy the entertainment.
5) Single people buying houses with four bedrooms and 3 baths. Are you going to sleep in a
different room everynight of the week?
6) Stressing over having a HUGE master bathroom and bedroom. Do you have parties in there? You can have to much space.
7) Motherfreaking stainless steel appliances!! OMG, some of these houses have brand new appliances but if they are stainless steel folks turn their nose up and act a white microwave will ruin their hot pocket.
8) Double sinks being a deal breaker. Does everyone get up at the same time to get ready for work/school/church at the same time? Can't one person be in the tub or on the pot while the other brushes their teeth? (I think you should be comfortable enough to do any of those things in front of your loved ones.)
If I were buying a house my must have's would be within 10 miles of my job, 5 miles of a grocery store and pharmacy, gas stove, rodent/bug free, heat & air (or be located in a climate that ranges from 68-78), and parking (less than a block from reliable public transportation).
It isn't fair for me to bothered by this because I can live with the most simple set up and be happy. I don't need no running water, I don't need no electricity, I don't need no microwave, but they sure are nice.