Definitions of the word "hater" that I like:
A hater is a person who, wheather they can help it or not, hates on everything and everyone for no reason. By hates on, I mean, ridicules, puts down, or rejects. - Tricksta Vic on Yahoo Anwers
someone who is hurt and angry and doesnt know how to deal with it - arilynn on Yahoo Answers
Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch. - Urban Dictionary
A short time ago I would get really annoyed when people talked about people "hating" on them. Heck, I'm still annoyed at them but I no longer believe that it is something that are imagining. Originally, I believed that people who constantly spoke about "haters" were feeling themselves a little to much and I still believe that (I see this on Facebook way to often). Then I would get a little envious and wonder why I wasn't cool enough to have any haters. (crazy but true)
Finally I realized that I have had "haters" but you know what I DON'T CARE. They don't have anything to do with me. If they want to hate let them do their job. I'm not going to let them bring me down. If I did, I would have been broken a long time ago.
It is important to me to be around people who are not like that. If you like to "hate" on people then we don't need to be together because I will call you out on it if we are close. It brings me down. I'm not going to act like I don't gossip and talk about people but "hating" is not in my blood. If you ever hear me "hating" on someone please call me out. (Asking me if I like something and my response is no does not mean I'm hating on you. You ASKED me a question and I answered honestly.)
"Hating" on someone stems from jealously and esteem issues. When your jealous of someone or not fully comfortable with yourself you "hate" on someone to make your self feel better but it doesn't work. We have to work on ourselves to feel better. I know I need to work on me to overcome some other issues but "hating" is not one of them.