"Look at them, they have all that education but are some of the biggest fools I know."
"She has all that book smarts but no common sense at all."
Growing up I have heard a number of people described this way. I can't say I didn't agree at times. Some of the smartest (book smart) people I have run across have very little knowledge of what others find to be common sense. I don't think that they are always clueless to the issues. They become so focused on having knowledge from a book they they miss the opportunities to learn from the streets and life. Life experiences are more interesting and a useful teaching tool than any book can provide.
Sometimes the comments above are said out of jealously but most of the time they are true. People get a little bit of education, money, or both and think of themselves better than others. Now I know some people may say I act that way but it has nothing to do with education. I just don't like fooling with folks, especially trifling folks be it if they are white, black, young, old, rich, poor, etc. I judge you on your personality not what you have (LOL).
Anyway, I hope to never become some educated fool. I want to stay connected to people on a human, personal level and not feel the need to elevate my self above others. However, sometimes that is hard. (I know this may seem a little condescending). There have been times when people have treated me a certain way because of what they assume about me. When that happens I want to shout to them what I have achieved compared to what they have. Then I calm down and think about how shallow that is and move on.
So, how do you view your self and how do you want to be viewed by others? Sorry for the rambling!